Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Hunka Hunka Burnin' Fat

I took the plunge this morning and posted my announcement that I am going to lose 100 pounds by July 9, 2006 on the How Design Magazine forum which I'm a member of. Talk about hesitating before I pressed the "publish" button! I have really felt though that the more I spread the word about what I'm doing the more it will cement in my mind what is going to happen. Everyone on the forum was really supportive. There were several other forum members that also want to lose weight and we discussed starting a "Howie Diet Club." Cool! You really need the support of people around you when you are committing yourself to a goal like this.

This was my menu for the day:

Breakfast- Quiche (one piece) and a cup of coffee
Snack – red grapes and ¼ cup of almonds
Lunch – left over Salmon from dinner last night and a great salad that my wife made, low carb bar and a cup of coffee
Afternoon snack – 1 white nectarine and 6 trisket crackers
Dinner – turkey burger, yam and green salad
Before bed – a glass of red wine
I made a conscious effort to take time to eat slowly…1 bite, 2 bites, stop. Wait 20 seconds and then start again. It really made a difference in my enjoyment of the food. Instead of just wolfing it all down without thinking, I ate slooooowwwwly. I also felt a lot more full at the end of the meal.

Exercise just about did me in. I’m following the exercise plan outlined in the new book “The Burning Bible: 28 Days of Foods, Supplements, and Workouts that Help You Lose Weight” by Mackie Shilstone that I bought at Borders Books. I did 10 minutes of circuit training…10 exercises with 10 reps each and 50 minutes on the treadmill. I was sweaty and out of breath but I made it through it. It will be interesting to see how sore I’ll be tomorrow. One day at a time, right? For me, it felt like the highest intensity workout that I’ve ever done.

Today was a successful day. Time to turn in for the night.

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