Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Milestone Day

This morning i hit a major milestone...40 lbs in 7 weeks! Un-be-lievable!

I also signed up as a Take Shape For Life coach yesterday. I'm telling you, this Medifast program is the best ever. It has given me a whole new lease on life, so I'm going to start singing its praises.

I hope I don't sound like a commercial. If you're new to this blog, take a look back through the years of posts and you'll see what I've been going through. Medifast works!

As a new coach, you may order through me here (www.weightoffmymind.tsfl.com) and I will personally assist you in your weightloss effort. I've been there, I'm still there and I've been through many of the same struggles you have been through. I understand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo Coach Randy. Shaking off the pounds!!! Tasia sez Ratta Roy!!! woof!

Keep on sliding down the scale. Yes!
