Tuesday, August 02, 2005

100 Pounds by July 9, 2006

100 pounds by July 9, 2006. That's been my mantra since July 9, 2005. At 319 pounds and 5'6", I have to lose weight or else. This has been an ongoing battle since the late 1980s when I started gaining weight. Since that time I have been on every diet imaginable, the last one being the Atkins Diet. I lost 40 pounds on that diet and gained back 30. In February of this year, I had a revelation. There is really only one way to lose weight and keep it off I think - exercise and eating right. Gee, what a revelation. Isn't that what the "experts" have been saying for years now? So, from a steady diet of bacon, cream, cheese and pork rinds I went to low glycemic and whole grain foods and walking 30 minutes a day 3-4 times a week on the treadmill at my company gym. Since February, I have lost approximately 16 pounds. Not a lot, but something, and I haven't been starving myself.
A few weeks ago I started reading about an overweight entertainer in New Orleans who was on an eating and exercise plan that he got from a new book called "The Fat Burning Bible." He had lost like 70 or 80 pounds in a few months. I went down to Borders Books and promptly ordered it. I must say that it seems to be the most level headed diet book that I've ever read. Plenty of info on how the body processes food; exercises to help speed up weight loss and some really good recipes of food that I would actually eat.
So I decided on July 9, 2005 that I would lose 100 pounds or more by July 9, 2006. I have read that the brain - a really marvelous creation of God - if fed daily affirmations (not voodoo) will get to work putting things together to accomplish the thing that you are affirming...or something like that. So I tell myself, my wife and my friends on a daily basis, "Have you heard that I'm losing 100 pounds by July 9, 2006?" I add to the affirmation, 3 meals a day plus two snacks, 4 liters of water a day (I'm trying) and I excercise 6 days a week...that's the plan anyway. I will do my best to update this blog on a daily to semi-daily basis and let you know of my progress.

Pictured above: Top-The most recent of picture of me taken in April 2005. Bottom-That's me in 1974, age 19.


Anonymous said...

You can do it...stick to your plan, keep it realistic (6 days a week of exercise is plenty - and that day of rest is essential!), and you'll be there before you know it. Just remember that there will be weeks where you lose a few pounds and weeks where you lose none - but it's the overall success that matters!

lew! said...

good for you RanMan!

although i am younger than you - i have been overweight for too long. i am working on getting myself commited as well. Tonight is my first night back at the gym in a while - and the heat today will not be an "i'll do it tomorrow" excuse!

good luck!

Unknown said...

Best of luck, I am in a similar boat and working on it. I've been back and forth a lot. But the diet isn't the problem, it's my penchant for all things chocolate!

But anyway, please do yourself a favor and if you don't reach 100 lbs by that time, but have lost a significant amount, you have still succeeded. 100 lbs. is a lot to lose in a year healthfully. But don't think I'm discouraging you from trying!


Anonymous said...

Have you checked out the South Beach Diet? It sounds like a fad thing but I have recently read about it and it makes sense! At least give it a read... my 55 year old father did this diet because he needed to loose weight for surgery, and he lost almost 20 pounds in the first few weeks.

Good luch to you!

Anonymous said...

Every pound you lose and keep off should be considered a success.

Best of luck. You can do this!

Anonymous said...

You were kind of a hottie when you were 19!

Anonymous said...

I'm in the same situation actually--want to lose around 70-80 pounds--I've already lost and kept off 50lb. You're exactly right--it is the basics--watching what you eat and get plenty of exercise! Most of the time, it's not what we put in our mouths, it's how much! Set mini-goals for yourself and then reward yourself with non-food rewards. Best of luck to you--maybe we'll keep each other in check!

Anonymous said...

I'm in the same situation actually--want to lose around 70-80 pounds--I've already lost and kept off 50lb. You're exactly right--it is the basics--watching what you eat and get plenty of exercise! Most of the time, it's not what we put in our mouths, it's how much! Set mini-goals for yourself and then reward yourself with non-food rewards. Best of luck to you--maybe we'll keep each other in check!

Jeff Andrews said...

What an awesome idea! Good for you, I'm inspired. I've got a few extra pounds to lose myself. Oh, do you mind if I add your blog to my HOWie "bloggers in arms" list?

Anonymous said...

I am going to check this everyday. I need the support as well. I too need to lose a 100 lbs. Iam 5'8" med frame, wt. 232 and my husband is 5'11" and large frame with a big belly, wt is 260. I really do not eat a lot but I do not get the exercise like I use to. I am partly disabled. I have commited to loosing this wt. It is getting harder and harder to do anything without huffing and puffing. my husband eats alot and it is fried foods and eggs everyday. but he sometimes with cut out a sandwich or two and drop 20 lbs in a couple of weeks. I wish you the best and I know you can do this .,,, the power of the mind is a great one.